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Transportation Services

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TimFosbrink Award
We are proud to announce that this year Seymour Community Schools Transportation Director, Tim Fosbrink, was awarded the 2024 S.T.A.I. Richard Pea Award!
Richard Pea was the Director of School Traffic Safety for the Indiana Department of Education from 1974 until 1981.  He was the founder of the School Transportation Association of Indiana and organized the first state conference at Brown County, Indiana in 1974.  In his honor, the Richard Pea Award began in 1981.  Prior to that time, the award was given to an outstanding member of STAI.

To do the work and put in the time (45 years of service), is one thing. When that is recognized and acknowledged by your peers, and then surprised by the attendance of your family? BEST DAY EVER!!

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The History of the School Transportation Association of Indiana

Our motto is 'SAFETY FIRST'
You are invited to be part of our team by reading about our department and by helping your children understand the bus safety rules.

We are also actively searching for Bus Drivers as well as Substitute Bus Drivers! If you are interested just call 812-522-8579. Information Sheet available upon request.

We want to provide your child with safe transportation. Drivers and parents working together will help us achieve that goal.

The first thing to do, as a parent, is keep your Harmony Account up to date. Besides having all the School Information you would be interested in regarding your student(s) at your fingertips, this also allows the Transportation Department to route Buses at their most efficient routes possible while having contact data at the ready for any last minute information that may need to be broadcasted to parents.
Transportation serves the school population of over 5,200 students. Each day school is in session, buses travel over 2,600 miles.

Extra-curricular activities also require many buses and drivers throughout the school year to provide safe and efficient transportation to their respective activities.
All transportation personnel must attend safety classes and submit to drug and alcohol testing throughout the year to ensure safe transportation for all students.
All buses are required to pass an Indiana StatePolice D.O.T. inspection each year to ensure they are in safe operating condition.

Seymour Community Schools Transportation Department

  Director of Transportation
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Tim Fosbrink

Assistant Director of Transportation

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Nathan McKinney

Administrative Assistant
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Sandy Trimpe

1638 South Walnut Street
Seymour, IN 47274


Your student's safety, as well as the safety of our community, are number 1 priority for our Transportation Department.

To serve your family best, please watch the videos below with your student to be sure they understand some of the most important safety protocols we have in place.

Download Safety Tips Safety Tips (PDF Document - PDF)
Download School Bus Safety Video School Bus Safety Video (Audio - MP4)
Download Stop for School Bus Red Lights Stop for School Bus Red Lights (Audio - MP4)

Drivers Wanted
Find out how you can join our team.

Download Bus Drivers Wanted Bus Drivers Wanted (PDF Document - PDF)
Download Ever Thought About Driving a Bus? Ever Thought About Driving a Bus? (PDF Document - PDF)

Teacher Resources
Staff requesting transportation should fill out the following form:
✨Field Trip Request Form

Download Field Trip Request Form Field Trip Request Form (PDF Document - PDF)

Parent Resources
Request Transportation Information through your Harmony Account.
This is also where you will be able to see all of your assigned Bus data. It is crucial your Harmony information is kept up-to-date.
Please note that at the beginning of your school year the pick-up and drop-off times are computer generated. We ask that you be at your assigned Bus Stop 10-15 minutes earlier than times listed in your Harmony account.

Family Access Creating an Account from HarmonySMS on Vimeo.

Student Resources

10 Rules for Bus Safety

Help keep children safe by teaching 10 simple safety rules:

  1. Be early for the bus.
  2. Never run to or from the bus.
  3. Be alert and stand back from the curb.
  4. Don't push or shove.
  5. Stay in your seat.
  6. Don't yell or shout.
  7. Always obey the driver.
  8. Wait for the driver's signal before crossing the street.
  9. Always walk at least 12 feet (6 giant steps) in front of the bus when crossing the street.
  10. NEVER crawl under a school bus.

🚌Keeping Children Safe at Bus Stops

Adults should go with children to, and meet children at, bus stops.

🚌Check Drawstrings

Drawstrings on clothing can catch in school bus doors, as well as on playground equipment, fences and escalators. Remove or shorten drawstrings on children's shirts, jackets or backpacks, or replace drawstrings with another kind of fastener that does not have a knot on the end.

🚌Avoid Using Gadgets Near Buses

Headphones, cell phones and MP3 players are examples of gadgets that can distract children from knowing when a bus is approaching. Urge your children to wait to use gadgets such as these until they are a safe distance from the bus.

🚌Stay Out of Bus Danger Zones

Parents/guardians should help children learn about the bus 'Danger Zones,' such as the bus' wheels, front and rear. School buses will park bumper-to-bumper in a loading zone to prevent students or adults from walking between buses. Teach your child to stay at least 12 feet (6 giant steps) away from a parked school bus.

🚌Crossing Streets Safely

Tips for crossing the street safely:

  • STAY on your side of the road — far back from the road edge and away from traffic.
  • WAIT for the bus to stop and LOOK for the driver's signal to cross the street. Making eye contact with the bus driver is important for safely crossing a street.
  • CHECK traffic both ways — then check again.
  • CROSS the street directly across, checking traffic both ways.
  • WALK about 12 feet (6 giant steps) ahead of the bus' bumper
  • BOARD the bus quickly.

🚌Exiting the Bus

Tips for crossing the street safely after getting off the bus:

  • WALK along the side of the road until you can see your bus driver.
  • STOP and wait for the signal to cross from the driver.
  • LOOK for traffic both ways. If you see a vehicle that has not stopped, go back to the bus immediately.
  • CROSS the road quickly after all vehicles have stopped.

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Visitor's Notice

Visit Our Schools

DonationTax-deductible contributions may be made to Seymour Community Schools, the athletic department, and the fine arts department.  Visit  Jackson County Community Foundation for more information.

Contact Us

Mr Brandon Harpe

Adrianne Hernandez
Superintendent Assistant

Seymour Community Schools

Seymour Central Service Center
1420 Corporate Way

Seymour, IN  47274
Voice:  812-522-3340
Fax: 812-522-8031

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