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Special Education Services

Welcome to the world of Special Education for Seymour Community Schools.
We offer special services for students ages 3-22. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about Special Education in Seymour:

Release of Information & Special Education Information

Program Description
Seymour Community Schools Special Programs provides students with identified disabilities, a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) that meets state standards listed in Indiana's special education rules called "Article 7". Article 7 is based on the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the federal regulations. Article 7 consists of rules describing how special education and related services are to be determined and provided by Indiana's public schools.

A student identified with disabilities may receive special education services from the public school from the time the student is 3 until he or she is 22 years of age. School personnel or the parent may refer a student for an initial educational evaluation. Upon completion of the evaluation, a case conference committee meets to decide if a student is eligible for special education services. During the meeting, the committee develops the student's individualized educational plan (IEP) and discusses the need for related services such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, transportation, etc.

Eligibility Information
To be eligible for special programs, a Case Conference Committee must meet to discuss evaluations to determine if the student meets one or more of the following disability areas:

Autism Spectrum Disorder
Specific Learning Disability
Language or Speech Impairment
Intellectual Disability
Deaf or Hard of Hearing
Multiple Disabilities
Emotional Disability
Orthopedic Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
Developmental Delay (Early Childhood)
Blind or Low Vision
Other Health Impairment

Important Parent Information

Bureau of Developmental Disabilities Services (BDDS) OFFICES
To access services for persons with developmental disabilities, such as residential services or supported employment, or for questions regarding case management or the Medicaid Waiver contact the District office nearest you.    BODS District Map

District 8
1452 Vaxter Avenue Clarksville, IN 47129-7721
Phone: 812-283-1040
Toll Free: 1-877-218-3529 (V/VRS/711)
Toll Free Fax: 1-855-525-9376
Counties: Bartholomew, Brown, Clark, Crawford, Dearborn, Decatur, Floyd, Harrison, Jackson, Jefferson, Jennings, Lawrence, Ohio, Orange, Ripley, Scott, Switzerland & Washington.

Link to BDDS Website: http://www.in.gov/fssa/ddrs/4088.htm

Annual Parent Survey
Please complete the online Parent Survey conducted by the Indiana Department of Education after your Annual Case Conference.
Visit the IDOE Parent Involvement web site for more information and to access the survey.  

Indiana DOE Parent Rights Website

EdPlan Connect
SCSC implements EdPlan Connect - a service through the IEP system that will help connect parents to special education online documents.

Parents/Guardians will be able to access student records in their native language, sign documents electronically, view historical documents in the student’s record, and stay up to date with progress reports.

Parents - contact your Special Education Staff for more information. They will need your email address to connect you to this service.
EdPlan Connect Parent Guide Link

Special Education in Home Schools or Private Schools
Did you know?

- Article 7, Indiana's Special Education Rules, provides for students education in private and home schools.
- Seymour Community Schools has an obligation to serve special education students enrolled in a private or a home school.
- Seymour Community Schools will conduct evaluations and Annual Case Reviews to review needs and progress of special education students in private or home schools.
- If you believe your child needs an educational evaluation, your public school can provide that service.

If you have a child in a private or home school and the student may qualify or has qualified for special services, please contact the Seymour Community Schools Special Education office at (812)522-0814 for information.
Special Education Referrals

A student may be referred for special programs by parents, teachers, school personnel, or other agencies. Referrals can not be processed without the written consent of the child's legal parent or guardian. Responses to requests for testing will be made within 10 School Days. Please contact your child's teacher or call our Special Education Office if you have any questions: 812-522-0814
Arc of Jackson County
Arc of Jackson County Website: https://www.arcind.org/location/jackson/
Our Mission: The Arc of Indiana is committed to all people with intellectual and developmental disabilities realizing their goals of living, learning, working and fully participating in the community.  We are home to The Arc Master Trust, Indiana’s leading special needs trust, serving Hoosiers of all disabilities since 1988, and affiliated with The Arc of the United States.  The Arc of Indiana Foundation works to create employment opportunities for people with disabilities, including opportunities through Erskine Green Training Institute.
SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council)
Purpose: To increase recognition and understanding of children, youth and adults with special needs.
Promote awareness
Develop positive attitudes
Offer a scholarship to a student with a special need or a student planning to study special education or an associated therapy

Seclusion & Restraint Policy
Seclusion and physical restraint as defined in this policy shall be used only as a last resort as a means of maintaining a safe and orderly environment for learning and only to the extent necessary to preserve the imminent safety of students and others. Positive behavior interventions and supports and conflict de-escalation methods shall be used regularly to minimize the need for use of restraints and seclusions. The use of these methods must be done before the use of restraints and seclusions. School employees must make every effort to prevent the need for use of restraints and seclusion on students.
Seymour Community Schools Seclusion and Restraint Policy

**We will be documenting the use of Seclusion & Restraint through a Google Form.
Seclusion Reporting Form
Restraint Reporting Form

**Copies of the Restraint Reporting Form need to be sent to the parent, Building Administrator, & Special Education Director.

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Visitor's Notice

Visit Our Schools

DonationTax-deductible contributions may be made to Seymour Community Schools, the athletic department, and the fine arts department.  Visit  Jackson County Community Foundation for more information.

Contact Us

Mr Brandon Harpe

Adrianne Hernandez
Superintendent Assistant

Seymour Community Schools

Seymour Central Service Center
1420 Corporate Way

Seymour, IN  47274
Voice:  812-522-3340
Fax: 812-522-8031

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