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SCSC Tech History

Timeline of Technology Implementation

Get Real - Resources to Engage All Learners - Summer 2013
During the summer of 2013, Seymour Community Schools decided to offer four GET REAL workshops. Offering a technology device to any of the teaching staff who would donate one day of their summer and participating in checkpoints throughout the following school year.
All participating elementary staff was given a Kindle Fire HD and shown how register it, add apps, and how it could possibly be used in students hands.  All participating secondary staff were given a Chromebook and shown how to register it, use Google Docs, and My Big Campus.
Each participant agreed to participate in quarterly 'checkpoints' the school year of 2013 - 2014. Such checkpoints so far have been to watch videos from our subscription to Atomic Learning and to create data using Google Docs.

Seymour Community Schools is fully 1:1
We are currently a 1:1 school district where grades 5 through 12 take their devices home each day. The plan started as follows:

2014 - 2015
Grade 6 - Approximately 350 students each having a Chromebook - Funding provide by Digital Learning Grant, Common School Loan and Capital Projects Funds
Advanced Placement classes at Seymour High School - Approximately 400 students having access to Chromebooks - Funding provided by Common School Loan and Capital Projects Funds

2015 - 2016
Grade 7, 8 & 9 - August of 2015 - Approximately 350 students each having a Chromebook - Funding provide by Digital Learning Grant, Common School Loan and Capital Projects Funds
Seymour High School (Remaining students) - November, 2015 - Approximately 950 students each having a Chromebook - Funding provide by Digital Learning Grant, Common School Loan and Capital Projects Funds

2016 - 2017
Grade 5 - Approximately 350 students each having a Chromebook - Funding provide by Digital Learning Grant, Common School Loan and Capital Projects Funds

2016 - 2017
Grades 1 through 4 were issued chromebooks to each student but do not go home. That is approximately 1400 additional devices.

2017 - 2018
Kindergarten classes were issued a cart of 30 for every two classes, creating a semi 1:1 initiative in those grades.

2019 - 2020
Kindergarten classes have increased access to devices for 1:1 education.
SCSC initiates trial of eLearning Days

2020 - 2021
All K-12 students now taking devices home due to Covid 19. eLearning has become prevalent across all grades. Students have access to content while learning from home.

2022 - 2022
Grades 5 and 9 have devices refreshed and wireless access points are upgraded

2022 - 2023
Brian Rodman is recognized as Technology Director of the Year for Indiana.  
Curt Scleibaum is hired to lead Seymour Technology Department upon Brian's retirement.

2023 - 2024
Curt Scleibaum is the new Director of Technology for Seymour Community Schools.

2025- present
Meeting the growing challenges of education with the best possible solutions and services with the best team.

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DonationTax-deductible contributions may be made to Seymour Community Schools, the athletic department, and the fine arts department.  Visit  Jackson County Community Foundation for more information.

Contact Us

Mr Brandon Harpe

Adrianne Hernandez
Superintendent Assistant

Seymour Community Schools

Seymour Central Service Center
1420 Corporate Way

Seymour, IN  47274
Voice:  812-522-3340
Fax: 812-522-8031

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