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Who We Are

Seymour Community Schools 

Who We Are What We Value                                                                  

Our Story
Seymour Community Schools is a public school
district located within Jackson County in Seymour,
Indiana. It was founded in 1864.
Seymour has a culturally diverse student
population of over 5,000 and employs over 680
faculty and staff. The district’s high school boasts
the world’s largest high school gymnasium,
seating 8,228. Seymour offers a wide array of
both college preparatory courses and technical
career courses.
Seymour Community Schools believes in the
centrality of the “student-first” mindset. It is a
relationally driven culture and pursues an inclusive
approach. It is an institution which balances its
small town atmosphere with globally distinct
opportunities. Seymour fosters innovation focused
on a pragmatic, student-centered education. It is
a place where opportunities abound and where
students are still known by name.
Above all, Seymour Community Schools is
committed to growth and innovation. The school
district is proud of its traditional and cultural roots.
It is a place where you will find as much diversity
in its offerings as in its population.

Vision statement:
Soaring to Excellence:  Every One, Every Day

Mission statement:
At Seymour Community Schools, we are on a
mission to create a student-centered culture
where all students can succeed. We provide
unprecedented opportunities for all students
in a climate where they can grow and achieve.
We collaborate to build relationships with all
stakeholders in order to create a remarkable
learning environment.

Value Statement:
At the heart of Seymour Community Schools are our
core values. These are the consistent pillars on which
Seymour stands and the values we will not falter or
compromise on as an institution.
values list:
• Student-Centered
• Opportunities
• Academic Excellence
• Relationship-Focused

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Visitor's Notice

Visit Our Schools

DonationTax-deductible contributions may be made to Seymour Community Schools, the athletic department, and the fine arts department.  Visit  Jackson County Community Foundation for more information.

Contact Us

Mr Brandon Harpe

Adrianne Hernandez
Superintendent Assistant

Seymour Community Schools

Seymour Central Service Center
1420 Corporate Way

Seymour, IN  47274
Voice:  812-522-3340
Fax: 812-522-8031

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