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Universal Design for Learning


Seymour Community School Corporation strives to meet the needs of each student by removing barriers to learning. We do this through Universal Design for Learning.

What is Universal Design for Learning?

From Novak Education: 

UDL is Universal Design for Learning, an education framework based on decades of research in neuroscience and endorsed by the Every Student Succeeds Act. UDL is considered best practice for teaching all students in an inclusive learning environment.

The goal of UDL is to create learners who are purposeful & motivated, resourceful & knowledgable, and strategic & goal oriented, in other words, expert learners. 

Start by embracing learner variability. There is no such thing as an “average” student. Every student has different strengths and weaknesses.

With UDL, teachers transition their role to facilitator, removing barriers to learning by giving students options and choices that empower them to take control of their own learning and reach rigorous state-standards. To universally design lessons, teachers must provide multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation, and multiple means of action and expression.

Soaring to Excellnce, Every One, Every Day ! #SOAR2X

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DonationTax-deductible contributions may be made to Seymour Community Schools, the athletic department, and the fine arts department.  Visit  Jackson County Community Foundation for more information.

Contact Us

Mr Brandon Harpe

Adrianne Hernandez
Superintendent Assistant

Seymour Community Schools

Seymour Central Service Center
1420 Corporate Way

Seymour, IN  47274
Voice:  812-522-3340
Fax: 812-522-8031

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