Seymour Community Schools expands opportunities for students with the addition of a CNC Machine at the Ag Science Center. The tool is provided thanks to a partnership with JCIDC, Community Foundation and Seymour Schools.
March Brain Injury Awareness Month Brain Injury Association of America More about concussion March National Nutrition Month® Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Focuses on the importance of healthy eating and exercise March Workplace Eye Wellness Month Prevent Blindness America Free information for employers on topics from eye strain to eye safety in industrial settings Mar...
from JCIDC LinkedIn post: We tried something different for today's quarterly meeting of the Jackson County HR group. JCIDC intern Parker Thompson was tasked with putting together a panel of his peers to give local human resources representatives an o...
March Brain Injury Awareness Month Brain Injury Association of America More about concussion March National Nutrition Month® Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Focuses on the importance of healthy eating and exercise March Workplace Eye Wellness Mont...
The following guidelines will be used weather related school decisions. Inclement Weather Guidelines - Guias or Pautas para casos de Mal Tiempo
Download PDF File Here NEW: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance for Parents and FamiliesThis flyer showing Indiana's recently published AI Guidance for Parents and Families is now available for families in our community. This guidance, compose...
from JCIDC LinkedIn post: We tried something different for today's quarterly meeting of the Jackson County HR group. JCIDC intern Parker Thompson was tasked with putting together a panel of his peers to give local human resources representatives an o...
March Brain Injury Awareness Month Brain Injury Association of America More about concussion March National Nutrition Month® Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Focuses on the importance of healthy eating and exercise March Workplace Eye Wellness Mont...
The following guidelines will be used weather related school decisions. Inclement Weather Guidelines - Guias or Pautas para casos de Mal Tiempo
Download PDF File Here NEW: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance for Parents and FamiliesThis flyer showing Indiana's recently published AI Guidance for Parents and Families is now available for families in our community. This guidance, compose...
from JCIDC LinkedIn post: We tried something different for today's quarterly meeting of the Jackson County HR group. JCIDC intern Parker Thompson was tasked with putting together a panel of his peers to give local human resources representatives an o...
March Brain Injury Awareness Month Brain Injury Association of America More about concussion March National Nutrition Month® Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Focuses on the importance of healthy eating and exercise March Workplace Eye Wellness Mont...
The following guidelines will be used weather related school decisions. Inclement Weather Guidelines - Guias or Pautas para casos de Mal Tiempo
Download PDF File Here NEW: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance for Parents and FamiliesThis flyer showing Indiana's recently published AI Guidance for Parents and Families is now available for families in our community. This guidance, compose...
from JCIDC LinkedIn post: We tried something different for today's quarterly meeting of the Jackson County HR group. JCIDC intern Parker Thompson was tasked with putting together a panel of his peers to give local human resources representatives an o...
March Brain Injury Awareness Month Brain Injury Association of America More about concussion March National Nutrition Month® Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Focuses on the importance of healthy eating and exercise March Workplace Eye Wellness Mont...
The following guidelines will be used weather related school decisions. Inclement Weather Guidelines - Guias or Pautas para casos de Mal Tiempo
Download PDF File Here NEW: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Guidance for Parents and FamiliesThis flyer showing Indiana's recently published AI Guidance for Parents and Families is now available for families in our community. This guidance, compose...
Tax-deductible contributions may be made to Seymour Community Schools, the athletic department, and the fine arts department. Visit Jackson County Community Foundation for more information.
Contact Us
Mr Brandon Harpe Superintendent
Adrianne Hernandez Superintendent Assistant Seymour Community Schools Seymour Central Service Center 1420 Corporate Way Seymour, IN 47274